3 research outputs found

    Ontology-based employer demand management

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    Skills shortages globally pose a real and urgent need for proper investigation and workforce development planning into the future. Analysing workforce development and employer demand needs through electronic job market allows much deeper and wider research into skill shortages. Current methods do not provide the level of depth required to address such important economic implications. In this paper, we present a system aiming to gather and analyse current employer demand information from online job advertisements. It identifies current employer demand needs analysed from electronic job market

    Confronting the 'Resource Curse or Cure' Binary

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    The use of the curse or cure dichotomy to frame a discussion around the impacts of mining is an oversimplification, not least in the emphasis on one or the other (as opposed to curse and cure). It is, however, a potent trope for engaging critically with the consequences of mining not only in narrow economic terms but also in regard to political, social and environmental costs and benefits. Further, as Goodman and Worth (2008: 201) point out, to engage with the resource curse or cure question is to also engage more broadly with "the internal contradictions of capitalist development" as evident, for example, in divisions "between those who benefit from and those who bear the costs of accumulation" and the many conflicts-political, social, economic, environmental-attending resource extraction. It is in this sense that this volume mobilises the 'resource curse or cure?' motif